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Olivia is fantastic at getting the creative juices flowing!  I had entrepreneurial ambitions, but no clear steps to move forward.  She was able to get ideas out of me that I did not even know were there.  Once the ideas were out, she was able to help me put everything together in a way so that I could start taking action.  Incredibly kind and sincere, Olivia is a pleasure to work with!

-Rachel- Entrepreneur, Massachusetts



I wasn't sure if coaching was right for me, I loved what I did for a living and wasn't necessarily looking to start my own business, but something wasn't clicking. I felt like I was disengaged and simply "going through the motions" each day.


Soon after booking my initial session with Olivia, things began to change. She structures her coaching so that you get the most out of your time, with actionable steps after each session. Olivia helped me to face the reality of my unhappiness with work, and remove the barriers that were preventing me from taking a risk for something greater.


Within a few months of coaching and practice with Olivia, I was able to open a new door in my career. My new position has elevated my role and brought my back to passions, plus it came with a 40% salary increase! I highly recommend Olivia's coaching for women looking to get more out of life, you don't need to want your own business to see success!

-Jessica- Marketing Account Supervisor, New York



When I first started with Olivia I thought I didn't need her help. I had a clear vision of my business, a website and a couple of clients. I knew that what I offered was great--but I just was not making the money that I wanted to be making. It was a huge risk to invest in a coach when I was barely getting by as it is. Within three months though, I had made the money back and more. Working with Olivia helped me to see that I was actually getting in my own way and got to the bottom of what was holding me back in client attraction and enrollment. SInce working together, I have been steadily increasing my client load (and income)--I would never be without a coach again. Seriously, the best investment I have ever made in my business. 

-Sarah. Coach/Intuitive, New York



Olivia's passion for coaching is inspiring. She has helped me refocus on my goals and take meaningful actions towards them. Though exciting, starting your own business can feel overwhelming and anxiety provoking. Olivia has brought me back to my vision and shined a light into the heart of my design business - I am very grateful for her help during my entrepreneurial journey.

Barbara, Interior Designer, Boston



Honestly, I began the coaching experience thinking I knew it all and that there wasn't much more that I could get out of my life and my job. Let's say, I was content being less than satisfied. Working with Olivia made me realize that I was missing out and holding myself back from a lot of experiences and professional advancements. She helped me go from content to extremely satisfied and reach professional goals that I never thought that I would be able to reach.

-George- Financial Advisor, New York



Working with Olivia allowed me to find deeper meaning in my life and make sense of my messy job situation. I gained so much clarity through the work that I did with her, that I hope everyone has the chance to be coached by Liv.

-Anna-Coach, Washington, D.C.



I would recommend Olivia as a coach to anyone who is looking for someone to keep them on track towards making major changes. Who I am now, after this coaching process can only be described as a better version of myself-one that I love.

-Laura-Acupuncturist, Virginia



Olivia is a respectful and encouraging coach. Her coaching pushed me to move forward with my goals and allowed me to leave all of my excuses behind. I gained so much insight into what I want and who I am.

Patty-Yoga Studio Owner, Washington



Olivia and Kelly provided my students with a new approach on self esteem. It is hard to please, entertain and open the minds of a room full of 8th, 9th and 10th grade girls. Olivia and Kelly managed to keep the girls attention and get them to invest time into becoming better, stronger and more effective women. I am forever grateful for the professionalism that these two ladies demonstrated before and after the presentation/workshop. My students and myself walked away with information and skills that will greatly enhance all of our future dreams and thus success'. Thank you Natural Greatness, myself and my school district can not wait to have you back next year!!!


-Jenn-Teacher, New York




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