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Entrepreneurs + Group-Coaching = LOVE

If you asked me a few years ago when I first started my business if I would offer group coaching, I probably would have said no. When I first pictured group-coaching programs, I have to be honest—I pictured a group on women kibitzing about men, dating, fashion and well, each other. In my mind, I heard a bunch of voices talking over one another and much more gabbing about problems, rather than solutions. Ultimately, I figured that there was no way that these components could work together to create any real change for anyone involved. (In retrospect, I must admit I was confusing “wine night” and sleepover parties with group coaching, tsk, tsk.)

I spent the first couple years of my coaching business only working with clients on a one-on-one basis and I absolutely love it. I love the relationships that are built, the trust, the conversation and ultimately the forward progress that we both have the privilege of being a part of. But, as I often tell these clients, we are constantly evolving and changing and what is right for us now, may not be right for us down the road.

As my own business evolved I found myself almost exclusively working with entrepreneurs, more specifically entrepreneurs who ran or wanted to run heart-centered businesses that (as cliché as it sounds) make the world a better place. I have worked with yogis, healers, environmental consultants, coaches and more and one thing that constantly crossed my mind was how each one of them could learn so much from one another. My mindset began to shift and the thought of uniting a community of heart-centered entrepreneurs was at the forefront. I started realizing that a safe place for support, guidance, coaching and learning was what each of my clients were craving and I knew I was called to give them and future clients this option.

I got to work. I connected with Kelly Atwood (divinely, I must say) and we started creating The Passion to Purpose Project (TPPP). I also joined a group-coaching program run by other coaches in order to learn and experience the group coaching process as well as stay on track with my own business goals. As my own coach would say, I was not just manifesting this program; I was taking “manifest-action”.

So, what is so great about coaching and being coached in a group setting? Seriously, I could go on and on.

First, from an entrepreneurial standpoint, you are finally connected with people who “get you”. People who are not looking to compete with you, but people who want to guide you, support you and love you. You not only have the coaching component from the coach, but the privilege of learning from those around you.

For example, guess what? Ever have those thoughts of giving up, backing out, or denying your purpose? Turns out you are not alone and there are quite a few people out there going through what you are going through and a whole lot of ways to snap out of it that you may have not even heard of before.

And a built in network, did I mention that? Aligning yourself to other entrepreneurs is a beautiful way to expand your network. Growing a business is all about growing relationships and what better way to do so than by aligning yourself with like-minded people in various fields of work? Learn, grow, get support, expand your network and most of all make new friends-what could be better than that?

As much as I love individual coaching and plan to continue this practice, I would without a doubt recommend that every entrepreneur seek out a group-coaching program. Want one more added bonus? Often times group coaching programs are much more affordable than individual coaching, so enjoy the added bonuses of the group dynamic and save a bit of money for investing in other areas of your business.

You in?

Visit for upcoming group-coaching courses.

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