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Wahhh, Poor Me: Why It's O.K. To Feel Bad For Yourself

If you’ve never had a day of tears, a day of complaints or a day when you just felt petty damn sorry for yourself, then go cruise on over to a more upbeat blog post (try this one, or here), because this one here is not for you.

This post is for my beautiful readers who sometimes feel like shit. This is for you, sitting in your cubicle wondering when you will finally be able to leave that soul-sucking job. This is for you, pacing around alone at the bar, waiting for Mr. Right (or Mr. Right Now) to traipse on in with his sexy body, compassionate personality and huge ass bank account. This is for you, staring at your bills, wondering how the hell they are going to get paid while you still afford food this week. And don’t worry, I didn’t forget about you, mama. Those kids tugging at your legs, stealing all of your time, making a mess everywhere and not letting you get anything done; I get it. Life is seriously exhausting sometimes. Whatever it is that is making you feel bad for yourself, I welcome you to own it. You are not at all alone and in some way or another, we have all been there.

Some days we just feel bad for ourselves. We pity ourselves and wonder when our break will come and how much longer we must bust our booties to see some results. You know those days when everyone on Facebook is posting all things positive, #blessed and their lives are looking sooo freakin’ glorious?

Well, what about you? What about your bills that are overdue? Your sick little baby? Your unwashed dishes? Your course or service that isn’t selling? Your body that isn’t slimming down as fast as you’d like?




Wahhhhhhh! (It’s okay, let it out)

Ugh, these days are the worst. Trust me, I had one recently. One of those “Alexander and the No Good, Very Bad Day” Days where I literally wanted (and did) choose to hide under the covers in puppy cuddles until I felt like the world wasn’t going to hurt so bad when I emerged.

We are human. We break, we breakdown, we cry and sometimes we feel sorry for ourselves.

What we also do is get back up. We renew, we rejuvenate, and we choose to get out of bed the next day and try, try again.

I have never met a soul that wasn’t up against something. Something that was pushing them down, something they were battling, some thing that on some days was just too much to deal with. Allow yourself to feel compassion for you. You don’t deserve to be alone. You don’t deserve to be broke. You don’t deserve loneliness or heartache or to have your joy stolen from you by a crappy job or a bad relationship. You don’t deserve that and you know it, so of course feeling sorry for yourself will happen. You’re allowed to weep, complain, breakdown, or just plain cry it out.

Here is the thing, though. You’ve got to get back up. The world needs you. Your loved ones need you. Those babies tugging at your legs need you, your best friend, those sad little puppy eyes, your clients and most of all you need you. You owe yourself the time to release the stress and pressure of being you and you also owe yourself every single joy that this beautiful, crazy world has to offer.

Next time you are feeling sorry for yourself, allow it. Feel all of the feelings. Take the break you need, hide under the covers, close the laptop, watch Disney movies, go running, make an ice cream sundae and feel the feelings. And then, when you have rejuvenated, when you have felt that last drop of sorry for yourself, leave that place. Leave “poor me” behind and keep going. Choose happiness for yourself, choose love for yourself and choose to keep moving forward towards the life of your dreams.

Please share in the comments below how you get out of your “poor me” moments (or days). I would love to hear from YOU.


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